Bethany was at the other end of the line: "I'm a Brindle!"
She sounded so excited, so happy!
James and Bethany eloped today.
They took with them only those responsible for their first date, and Richard, to witness their committing their lives to each other, and alos take some pictures.
I can't wait to see them!
Hectic is the least way I could describe these past weeks.
I feel like we have been on a roller coaster, not knowing from one day to the other whether the wedding would take place as planned or if they would elope.
My mother was flying in from Florida. Luckily I she's landing in Louisville so Melanie can go get her and she can meet her newest great-grand-daughter. This is a treat none of our kids have had very many times in their lifetime.
So this week-end, we are all making our way to Kentucky to have an impromptu family reunion of sorts.
Mel only expected James and Bethany on the 19th as they made their way to North Carolina where they're honeymooning. Instead they will be going tomorrow and spend a couple of days there.
Jon was to go there today to do some yard work for Melanie but had unexpected delays and won't leave until tomorrow.
Richard will follow James and Bethany but has to work this week-end, so he will be heading home before we all do.
Unsure what Bruce will do still as Muriel needs someone here too.
Regardless, Mel's getting ready for an invasion... (=
Bethany is truly a wonderful young woman, genuine in her actions, true in her word. She and James have known each other for about 18 months and it's plain to see that they bring out the best in each other.
They both have grown by leaps and bounds as they find their own footing in life.
Before he first met Bethany, James was quickly becoming a hermit as he concentrated on his studies - producing wonderful academic achievements. He never saw it coming! Bethany stole his heart.
We are all so eager to have her join our family!
This evening we learned that they had called family members to introduce Bethany. We hope to have a family get-together so all here can meet her in person and learn to love her as much as we do.
It is cool to watch the bonding with our other kids too. It is so good to see!
Bethany truly is a new daughter to us, a new sister to our children.
We love her very much already and look forward to having this new Brindle in the family: Welcome home, Bethany!
May July 16 mark the beginning of a lifetime of happy memories, peace, joy and all the good things God has in store for His children.
May each anniversary find your love stronger than the year before!
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