No doubt about it... Lucy is MY dog.
Wherever I am, she is.
Jon says she's spoiled.
She probably is.
She was sickly when she was days old and thanks to her being sick we were able to ensure that none of the other pups got sick too and she was treated and got better fast but I always had a soft spot for her.
Jon called her Yoda at church because of the funny almost purring noise she made - not unlike the one her dad (Max) makes still.
Anyway, maybe because of that, but more likely because whenever she was 'humanless' in the house, she discovered all sorts of things she could destroy.
So we began to take along pretty much everywhere we went and she developed a real taste for the car
She used to dart for the door once i picked up my keys and most often managed to get out before I did. She always came back when called and never strayed too far from me.
Lucy was destined for my mother, as a companion for her older dog. But her being sick made the future too uncertain to risk her leaving behind a little animal we had grown so fond of. SO we kept her and Lucy became my shadow.
She perks up her head. Her ears straighten out and she looks at me as though asking "Do I get to go too? pretty please..."
9 times out of 10 I melt and off together we go.
She must stay in the car at times and I have left the windows down a bit, enough for her to stick her nose out and she barks and barks and barks until she sees me and then all is well.
You would think she'd have figured out I was coming back by now.
BUT no... Today though she really did something funny...
Bruce and I were at the bank and Lucy was in my car, her hear sticking out of the window barking her lungs off. I could see her from inside the bank. We didn't have to be there long. Just a matter of signing two pieces of paper and we would be out again. Then it happened.
A horn sounded that would not stop.
We looked out side.
Lucy was no longer hanging out the window she was pushing on the horn with her full body weight. She seemed totally unaffected by the loud noise she had produced and was continuing to produce.
I ran back outside to get her off the horn!
and put her on the leash and took her in with me.
They gave her a treat...
You think she figured out how to get me back now???
mmm... Time to leave her home...
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