At first I had a real problem with hearing that the doctors were contemplating a c-section to deliver Brianne. After all, Melanie weighed 9 pounds and 7 ounces when she was born. Her grandfather thought she was such a big baby coming out of such a petite woman that I was, that he nicknamed her Baby Huey.
My sister gave birth to children on both continents and the doctors here seemed so alarmed so soon that I figured the same thing was happening with Mel. Adding to the fact that so few doctors want to deliver babies these days because of suit-happy people who have made the risk of something going wrong more than doctors want to deal with.
The doctor who delivered Melanie was Chinese. He delivered all of my kids except Michael. He used to say: “Baby comes when baby ready” and overall my pregnancies were very easy. Delivering was uneventful too really except for the size of these babes.
All hovered around 9lbs and more except for Jon who was a ¼ oz short of 8lbs and I have decided this was due to the fact that throughout that pregnancy I had been so weight conscious… Before he could be weighed, Jon voided on the nurse… Not a pretty sight…
Anyway, after discussing Melanie’s situation with a couple of people I decided I was probably wrong in thinking she should avoid the c-section if she could and I was reconciled with the prospect. Besides, how lucky could she get?! Having a baby and not feeling pain?! Wow! That should be a treat…
Then earlier this week she called to announce that the last ultrasound showed Brianne at 10.5lbs already and with room to grow more. She was obviously surprised at my change of mind but seemed pleased. After all, everyone’s experience is different and nobody should assume theirs is the only ‘right’ one.
Actually Melanie was calling to ask if I had seen the picture she sent. I went directly into my email box and discovered the file. I am horrible at understanding the images found in ultrasound pictures. This one was amazing.

A perfect little face, with her hand under her chin… I melted completely… Who cares how she gets here? Just get her here!
They scheduled the c-section for June 7th unless Melanie goes into labor before that.
She won’t be in newborn diapers very long… (=
Mel, if you would scan me a picture of you baby, I would be very grateful... I can't find anything since we have rearranged furniture!
In exchange i will translate for you what I wrote about your birth... back so many years ago!
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