Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cold, cold, go away...

I am so tired of the snow and the cold… I know, everyone else is too so what am I ranting for?
You would think that after spending my last 29 winters in Indiana I would have gotten used to this by now. Nope… Don’t think I ever will either… Here it gets so cold during the winter (and I wasn’t even here for the coldest spell this year) that it’s impossible to think it’ll ever be warm again, but then it gets so hot in the summer that you can’t imagine it was ever cold at all.
This year is typical of Indiana weather, my husband tells me… After 29 winters here you might think I would have noticed… Actually he meant how the weather used to be when he grew up, so a good 10 years or more before I came here…
Ok, I wasn’t there then so I won’t argue but cold is cold and this winter has been particularly long. Bruce said he saw robins back in January… Wherever did they go?!
There are plenty of Canadian geese however… When the river was frozen a few weeks back – might be again – there were flocks of them gathered on the ice. Some would go into the water when there were holes in the ice. There were so many! As he rightly pointed out that is one thing people would not commonly see in Florida… Lucky me! Seriously, I do think the scenery is absolutely beautiful. I just would like to be immune to temperature changes. Then I would be more comfortable and would most certainly enjoy things much more.

We took a trip to Middlebury, Indiana a couple of weeks ago, just so we could go eat at the Dutchman Essenhaus. That was so enjoyable! Except for the cold… )=
We saw a lot of Amish buggies on the road.
They have no heat in those things... It was beautiful and I am not complaining, I promise… I’m just so cold… I don’t think I’ll ever warm up again… (Ask me again in August)
So… I am grateful BonPapa didn’t move to Canada like he had planned years ago. His reasons were he didn’t want to leave his family behind for so long until they could come too, so he remained in Belgium. Many other Belgians braved the weather and settled in Canada. Brrr… Forgive me Perry (Richardson)… you did make me dream of living in Canada. You and our friend Loren Later from Alaska… Your descriptions of where you lived made me dream. The beauty of the place was seen from inside a warm house. Life makes you step outside…
Springtime, don’t delay… Come warm up my old bones…

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