Sunday, October 19, 2008

the small world we live in

It was in September that my sister sent me a instant message to tell me she had found our brother online!
We had lost contact with him after our father’s death and we had all been looking for each other. My niece’s husband found him on Facebook!
Since I had more or less snubbed Facebook as something only the younger generations were using, that was a place where I had never searched.
Of course I have since adjusted our point of view and have been uploading items and added friends.
Then out of the blue I received an email from my old boyfriend. We had not seen each other since 1978 when we broke up! That was a shocker! Of the good kind but a shocker all the same! This goes to show that the internet does work in bringing people together in amazing ways.
I had often wondered what had become of him and even now have memory triggers that linger and remind me of the places we went and the things we did.

As we are filling the holes of what happened to both of us since we last saw each other, I have been taking pictures to show him and his wife where my husband and I live.
Some pictures turned out so well I wanted to add them here too.

There won’t be too many more ‘nice’ days this year so we might as well take advantage of them. I miss the Belgium I left so many years ago and realize that is something I can never go back to but finding links to my youth has been comforting and healing for me.

1 comment:

J-M said...

Never forget your old friend.
Do not wait another 30 years before getting in touch with him and his wife. It will be too late