I just came back from the cemetery where I have been taking pictures of the graves.
They are not particularly special in beauty or artistry. They are special because they contain information that researchers may be looking for, but more than that.
This all started for me about 3-4 years ago or so.
I have never been fond of cemetery. I had never understood how people could jog through cemeteries as part of their daily exercise routines. To me THAT was weird. I figured I would eventually end up in one of them soon enough, why would I haunt them prematurely?
Well… I guess it’s another one of those “never say never” times for me…
I always seem to eat my words…
And this I do happily…
My grandmother Driessens died in 1994 in Belgium of course and I could not attend the funeral. However my father did something amazing. He sent me the ribbon that was wrapped around the coffin along with a clip of my grandmother’s white hair… In his letter he added that he wanted me to have a private ceremony to have my own closure.
Well, of course I could not do that! That was my grandmother’s hair… I kept it!
Then my father passed in 2000 and there could be no closure for me there either. Until one I opened an old letter and saw a picture of him waiving back at me as though he was saying goodbye and I cried like a baby…
As a genealogist I interact with many other researchers all over and one person in particular peeked my interest. He was taking pictures at the Robermont cemetery fro a website. http://www.lescimetieres.com/Accueil/cadreaccueil.htm
Since my Grandmother’s ashes had been dispersed on a lawn there, I asked him if he could send me a picture of that lawn. It was really out of curiosity at first. Joseph is a wonderful guy and he sent me the attachment shortly thereafter.
I had not been prepared for the effect the picture would have on me.
Pretty much like seeing my father waiving at me…
There was texture to the event. Something that had happened so long ago but that maybe because of distance had not quite registered completely. I was overwhelmed.
That day I realized that Joseph Beaujean, the photographer, had given me a priceless gift.
It may not have cost him much materially, although it cost him in time and dedication, but the gift was without a doubt priceless.
That day I realized that I wanted to do the same for others and began to help my friend Deb Beheler, who coordinates the Indiana GenWeb, including Miami county where I live, with her project of indexing the local cemeteries and adding pictures to the index.

That’s how I started spending time in cemeteries… Amazing? Not really… I just hope someone will benefit from this effort… I know I have, as, strangely enough, I have grown closer to the community I live in. I have found our Adeline Cattin who taught French to Cole Porter when he was 6 years old. I know where she is even though I still haven't actually found her grave yet... Soon I hope...
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