It' always when I'm driving that I think of things to write down somewhere.
Driving back from Wabash the other day, I was taken back to y first year at the Lycee. The changing colors fo Fall always remind me of my first Art teacher there, Madame Lemoine. She was as big around as her husband was tall and skinny. I can't remember what he taught. I only had her for one year. She is the one who taught me how to print. One of our assignments was to capture the 'colored greys' of Fall. While I can draw, I can not ad color to anything I make without taking away from the drawing, so this was not my favorite assignment for sure... We had to mix the primary colors to make the colored greys we needed then apply them on the trees we had drawn... One of my classmates painted one I will never forget it was so beautiful and all she did was take her brush and instead of 'painting' as I understand 'painting', she just put dabs of colors here and there all over her page and her tree truly was beautiful.
Anyway... All this to say... every Fall, I go back to being 12 years old every time the trees change color...